Creative Direction + Motion Design

Meet The Kinardist

Hello All!
My name is J.B.

But my friends call me Xevi I’m a Brooklyn-born and forged Creative Director and Motion Designer. I specialize and work mostly in 3D these days but am no stranger to 2D animation. I found my penchant for animation through my desire to combine my code-based art with my photography. After spending way too much time creating animations frame-by-frame in Photoshop, I then taught myself After Effects. From there Cinema 4D + Houdini and the rest is history.

When I’m not animating, I can be found training Jeet Kune Do at my martial arts school, sitting down with a good sci-fi/fantasy fiction novel, getting lost in an rpg video game or sitting at a table with friends to play a game of commander (I’ve played Magic the Gathering since the FIRST Kamigawa block).


Currently Playing

Currently Reading

Favorite Commander